Matri-Arch (1987)

Matri-arch (1987) at A.R.E Gallery, Belfast, exhibited as part of the NI-WAAG exhibition Identities

Matri-arch (1987) at A.R.E Gallery, Belfast, exhibited as part of the NIWAG exhibition Identities

Matri-arch (1987) at A.R.E Gallery, Belfast, catalogue drawing for site-specific install

Identities (1987) was an exhibition organised by NI-WAAG, a Northern Irish based women artist’s activist organsation that Walsh was a founding member of. Wood and clay, 6.6ft x 7.10ft.

This site-specific installation was devised to work within a group exhibition. Matri-arch focused on ideas of cross-generational activism, depicting one older, another younger female figure connecting to make an arch, articulating a female connection. The entrance was framed so that viewers had to enter the room subject to this action of shared feminist solidarity ( the gesture of two hands meeting at the forefinger and thumbs signify the womanist sign for vulva power!).


Poor Banished Mother of Eve (1988)


Harvest Queen (1986)